Saturday, 23 April 2011

New construction and bagging rice

Yesterday was busy,overwhelming and awesome! I went to the house that Haiti arise is building for a family. I helped stack cinder blocks so the workers would have them closer to work with. It was really hot and my arms are a little sore. We must have move around 150 blocks. I also helped sift dirt for the mortar for the bricks. That was a fun experience. They use the front cover of a fan to sift out the rocks. So one person shovels the dirt in and with some hip action,kind of like using a hoola hoop. by the time you fill the wheel barrel your arms are a little sore. After that one of the workers at the site went up a coconut tree and pulled off 4 fresh coconuts. We had fresh coconut for snack. It was so good. We rode back to Haiti stakes in the back of a truck passing a voodoo temple along the way. That was interesting. When we got back we got ready for Trying to do crafts with 230 who do not speak the language was definitely a challenge but we had fun. After that zwas church which is done in caribean style...rocking. We sang some songs and jumped around. After that Wes watched the passion of the Christ. Then off to bed.
Today Saturday we bagged 150 sacks of rice. Each weighted 55 pounds. One person scooped, one opened the bag, another bagged again then I tied the bag. We are doing a rice distribution on monday for the people in grand goave. After lunch we went to the beach..which was beautiful. Blue water and sandy beaches.
We walk back to Haiti arise. The went to a prayer service then back for supper. The meals have been wonderful. Chicken, rice, beans. Oh I forgot the lobster on the beach whack was amazing. It was grilled with garlic and lime with chilies to dip in. So good. We had fresh pineapple for breakfast and it does snot hold a candle to the one i buy at Costco. We also had fish, plantains, pancakes Haiti style and goat.
I can't believe e leave in 2 days time has gone so fast. God is so good and has been very gracious to the team. So far everyone is doing well and it is evident that he is working here in Haiti. Haiti arise is such a blessing to the community.
Coming home will both happy. And sad. There is so much need here. I have seen 2 young men who's feet are such a mess. It is hard not to have the resources to help then so we did what we could with antibiotics and bandages. On the other hand I miss my family but not the snow.
Anyhow I should sign off..good nite all

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