Monday, 18 April 2011

Today....I was in the Amazing Race!

I feel so blessed to be here.....although I am exhausted from 2 days of traveling. Going through Port au Prince was humbling to see all the devastation from the earthquake, the garbage and rumble on the streets, the people selling their wares on street curbs....but the crazy driving was like being in the Amazing lanes, drive anywhere you want even on the wrong side of the road or the curb....and constant honking to say get out of my way!!! I closed my eyes a few times! Went on a walk to see parts of Grand Goave.....I love the kids! They run up and say "photo".....then when I show them their picture on my camera..they giggle and clap their hands. Can't wait to see what this week brings. Love and miss my family....especially Erin & you both so much!!! Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Mom

    You are sooooo FUNNY! This post made me roll on the floor laughing! They kind of remind me of the minions off of Despicable ME! haha I think I might just drive down there to drive my car around there sounds like my kind of driving!!! :)

    ps. Don't close your eyes THEY MAY HIT YOU!!!

